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Who we are

VISTA takes pride in giving maximum focus on each of our clients. To do this, we maintain just the right number of active clients at one time so we can ensure that we are with you in this journey a hundred percent. We do this without charging sky-high professional fees that you may see in the market. We are a small New Zealand company with low operating costs so our fees don’t cover for huge overheads that bigger companies have. We can also agree on flexible payment terms. Reasonable fees and quality work – that is who we are!


At VISTA, we see you as a dreamer who is in a mission towards your next overseas experience which might as well be in the best country in the world! Our mission is to help you accomplish your mission using our expertise in the New Zealand immigration setting. So whatever your plans in New Zealand are, we are here to help obtain the appropriate visa for you. See you in New Zealand!

Our Licensed Immigration Adviser


Hi! My name is Ross. I am a licensed immigration adviser for VISTA Immigration Consultancy. I travelled to New Zealand with my family in 2016 as a happy tourist, and now a proud New Zealand citizen. Although I, myself, organised all the visas that my family has held (visitor visa, work visa, partner work visa, dependent child student visa, resident visa and permanent resident visa), I consulted quite a few licensed immigration advisers in the past and I have grown to appreciate the value of their work and how they influence the future of these migrants who are seeking a better place to call their home. The New Zealand immigration policy can be quite complicated and is constantly changing, so hiring a licensed immigration professional is a great way to maximise your chances of visa approval - the less risk, the better.

I have gained a bachelor's degree in Engineering from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila and a postgraduate course in Entrepreneurial Development from the University of the Philippines. I am now studying towards a New Zealand Graduate Diploma. Prior to coming to New Zealand, I worked as an engineer in the Middle East for five years. I experienced the struggle of long distance relationships and not being able to be with your family for a year (and sometimes even longer!). Now, I am happily living with my wife and my two young boys here in Christchurch, New Zealand. We recently bought our first NZ home and I can say that we are now very settled in this lovely country.


Working as a licensed immigration adviser while being a husband, a father, an adult child to my parents, a business owner, an employee, a student and a migrant myself, I am able to easily relate to my clients’ situations and I understand how important it is for them to get that visa. I know their future depends on it and I am here to help make that dream happen. See you in New Zealand!

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